Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Time When Full Consciousness is Emerging

Since the origin of humanity on earth, we have lived as though there is no spiritual world. Our focus has been almost totally upon the external world, and we have lived without meaning and without eternity. Religion has in various ways attempted to bring to our attention an awareness of spiritual reality, but it has for so many focused on an attempt to stop humanity from performing certain “sins”, through various threats and punitive actions. The idea has always been that to enter into some sort of spiritual reality, however that has been conceived, one has to be “saved” and approved by God.
Now in the present day we have reached a state where we know clearly that there is another side to this, that “sinful” actions cannot be eradicated simply by forbidding them, but only by clarity of vision of wholeness, and by healing the hurt within.  We have, as humanity, reached the place where the motherly nature of God is being expressed by women on earth, and often even by men on earth, and this means that Mother God is able to manifest that part of Her nature which has remained unexpressed throughout so much of the history when men dominated all things.

Uniting the physical and spiritual worlds requires us to be able to perceive the deep meaning in the nature of all things in creation. Perception of the internal nature of all things requires us to accept that the earth itself is not just a commodity which we can use to make profit to enhance our personal small economic life, but is our earth-mother. The earth yearns to supply us all with resources to express the love of the mother, to guarantee us all survival, and to be the basis from which we grow to express our unique, eternal, human and divine natures. 

Humans live as though they are animals with reason, and miss the beauty, the infinite potential all around at all times. But science is truly on the verge of making the step into a vastly greater vision of humans and all of reality.

It is time now for us to look at the land and see the spirit within, as has been practiced by indigenous peoples worldwide. We have destroyed our greatest treasures in the quest for recovering the spiritual world and recovering our awareness of the spirit within us and within nature and all things. Now we can clearly recognize the forces of violence and unchecked desire for power through material wealth and position that have so impoverished our lives in recent centuries. 

No one is looking to take away what so many people rely on for their security, but rather to establish the value of all people, and to ensure that every single person is valued, and able to inherit the earth’s promise of life and security in the physical world, as preparation for eternal joy and life in the spiritual world. We are God becoming, both men and women. Even God lives in potential without manifestation of God’s full nature within the universe, and for the feminine heart of God to have been hidden from humanity, unable to develop within humanity due to the damage done in history, is tragedy.  We are beyond that. 

We can now expect to hear the voices of women, to see the values of the mother gradually emerging within the nations and communities of the earth. 

I want to see the emergence of full health, the overcoming of all disease and the enabling of people to reach spiritual maturity before moving on to the spiritual realms. I want to see much greater ease of travel within the physical world and the universe in the near future, including the revelation of faster-than-light travel. I want to see two-way communication between people in the spiritual world and physical world emerge rapidly in the coming years. The idea that a human can just be dismantled and done away with is so devastating that no one who believes that could ever truly know that God loves us, and yet so much evidence seems to endorse that point of view. This has to be overcome immediately, not as a point of belief but as an actual accomplished fact.

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