Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Unholy Alliance of Religion and Politics

Why do right wing leaders always want to tell women how they should be living, particularly with reference to their religion, family roles and sexual activities? Turning this around to what should right wing leaders be doing we find the answer. They should be leading their people into peace, ensuring some measure of fairness and equality in their populations, and generally making things better for their people. Since this is manifestly not what they are doing, they turn to the old reliable mantra, it’s all the women’s fault. After all, if this worked for thousands of years, why shouldn’t it continue working?

To whom does religion belong? Are you allowed to use it to back up your own worldview, or is that going to get you in trouble later with your god? Today, it seems to be up for grabs.

Everybody seems to be using the same tactics. The Israeli right is tied to the most extreme religious males, the haredim, and committed on religious grounds to a policy of settlement which is one of the main blocks to ever securing peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians. The regime of Netanyahu was even just blatantly reelected by the ploys of appealing to racism and fear on the part of the Israeli public. 

Young Muslims in the Middle East these days, blocked from even the means of making a decent living, or having a safe living environment, find themselves drawn to making a Caliphate in order to hasten the Apocalypse. This is their response to governments who have stayed in power through the imposition of almost constant military rule over the last few decades, in line with the control and power hungry leadership class.

America’s Republicans, deeply offended that the country has elected a Democrat to the presidency twice in a row, has vowed as their primary focus to prevent him from doing anything at all. Their outreach to the public, Fox News, warns of the dire consequences of Obamacare, of homosexual marriage, of an agreement with Iran – sure to bring in a nuclear era, they tell us. And back in America, the Republicans are looking everywhere they have any power to turn back the clock on personal freedoms that have been won through hard-fought battles since the sixties. They seize every opportunity to restrict access to abortion, they pass laws that clearly make it easier for people to avoid prosecution for discrimination against homosexuals. While Texas clearly leads the way, the south in particular jumps enthusiastically on the bandwagon.

So as all of these right wing governments unite around a common tactic, to  impose their religious views on people, Israel is torn apart from within over conflict between the orthodox and the more secular, or even just less extremely religious, Jews. The Haredim refuse to do their military service, they force the settlements, they openly disdain both Arabs and secular Jews, slashing tires, enforcing their beliefs and practices on the communities in which they live. And their champion is Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is planning on ruling with a coalition made up of a large contingent of the religious right, so he will of course have to make major concessions to their demands.

ISIS, the current self-declared Caliphate in power over a large region, makes no effort to hide their policies. Kill all dissenters, preferably by gruesome public decapitations to maintain and spread fear, enforce major restrictions against women, force them into prostitution if they are not true believers. Israelis now live in fear of an even more powerful Caliphate, the one they are assured is being built step by step by the Iranians, with the help of Obama and the misguided American left. In this climate of fear, the evil of Netanyahu seems relatively inevitable because he serves as their shield against an even bigger evil.

Fear is the main tactic worldwide. In the US we see a major turn back of freedoms, almost unlimited government supervision in the name of the terror threat,  jails overflowing, those running them getting rich, the people getting poor. Worldwide we see policies that channel wealth to the few at the top, while ensuring that housing and daily living expenses are so burdensome that the vast majority of the population is so exhausted with meeting survival needs that they have no energy left over to organize against their governments’ values.
Women worldwide should be very concerned. Even western nations have a huge amount of restrictions coming from their governments. No woman is going to benefit from a Caliphate, an Orthodox-dominated Israel, or a Republican-controlled US, unless they are happy with a world that narrows the opportunities for their children and mandates all sexual behavior and morals.

At the same time, it is only a minority who really think this way, everyone else is drawn along by the need for staying in power or advancing their careers. Sometimes just by sheer lack of reflection. Several Republican women are forging their careers by being the mouth pieces for their party line. Be careful you don’t lose your soul, ladies! Women who are looking to the Republican party to keep you safe and launch your careers, make sure you are not being used in the short term by people who are seeking to restrict your freedoms in the long term. Who should be deciding your values, you or the government? Who should be telling you right and wrong in how you conduct your relationships? Do not be too ready to cast off the hard-won freedoms that required such battles since the sixties, and for religion, the Pope is a better guide than the Republican party, the president of Turkey or the various Caliphates who show their devotion by the number of beheadings they can authorize.